
i hate to tell you this...

i was flipping channels this morning with grandmother, The View had finished and she didnt want to watch wolf blitzer interview mccain because "they're both horses asses" so we went to Fox, because we secretly enjoy getting worked up about bad reporting, biased news and arrogant conservatives.
well, this one really got my goose. that dumb blonde anchor was sitting there laughing at a woman- the director of a public health initiative called inspot- who was on the phone trying to get a word in edgewise and explain what was obvious to me and my grandmother: was why her project was so critically important. 
Its a website that sends anonymous e"cards" to people telling them to get checked out for an STD. With messages like "youre too hot to be out of action.... i got diagnosed with an STD since we played. get checked out." its clearly not mincing words but if you think youve just spread herpes to ten people, who has time for romantic nostalgia or awkward fumbling. The problem is, humiliation overtakes peoples conscience and they never make the call. and thats how shit gets spread. Which is why the anonymity is genius. But no, no, fox news called it sad and crude. 
well, dumb blonde anchor, i hope when you've got crabs in your cooch, you find a more palateable way to let your past partners know. in the mean time, for the rest of the world, theres inspot.
just thought id spread the word.

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