
In a Time of Economic Downturn, I Gaze Up at The Sky

the poem by michael blumenthal on the writers almanac today is startling not only because stocks are falling like crazy, not only because the desire to curl up under the covers and narrow the world down to two people resonates with me deeply these days, not only because the title reminds me of advice i received- to look up at the sky- from the same person the poem recalls, not ONLY because of the reference to sun, moon AND COFFEE, but also the fact that this morning on the T i was writing a poem around a very similiar concept.
planned on writing it up and posting it tonight.
might be rethinkin that.
but nice to know, as poetry always shows, that i may not be creatively unique but i am also not alone on this great big marble.

"...All of us—
sun, moon, coffee, clouds— might feel a twinge
of guilt: such indifference to profit and loss!
Yet, all over the world, tiny birds with broken wings
and injuries of all sorts are making their way
back to their nests, even the waterlogged anhinga
is drying its wings in the sun. It's good to know
so much keeps going on, despite everything

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