
thank you, blog

for supplying both the poems i read last night at my first poetry reading in boston! both revised versions of stuff ive thrown up on here.
this morning i was met with an eager crowd of my coworkers, all of whom had intended on attending the reading but couldnt for various reasons, who insisted i do a private reading in my cubicle.

me: really guys? its 8:30 AM. no one wants me to get naked at this hour in the day. and besides, the freaky techies are listening.
boss: take it OFF!
me: right here? right now?
boss: do it or you're fired.
me: which one do you want to hear first? angsty angry or sexy?

some days, like to-day, i love my life even more than i thought possible.
i am trying this new thing of day by daying it. not requiring more than what i have in this moment. its tough for me, i like to know whats coming and then i like to control it but someone has entered my life, if tentatively, who is lovely, affectionate, intriguing and interested in me, but refuses to be controlled, refuses to commit, refuses to plan more than a few hours ahead...often changes plans last minute in ways that suddenly dont include me.
we are a recipe for disaster. or at least a little heartache.
but i want to find out for myself if thats true. there is for sure an element of selfishness in that kind of personality. theres also a large element of selfishness in mine. maybe between her extreme and mine we'll find a happy balance.
to be decided.

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