
why i always need to be taking notes

this is an excerpt from a convo i had earlier this summer with a one of my favorite people
i jotted it down and came across the notes recently

re: birthright israel, a travel option i was briefly considering...

J: its your birthright to get a free trip to Israel?
D: apparently.
J: but… youre really not jewish.
D: technically I am. and Ive got some pretty jewy last names on both sides to prove it.
J: well isnt judaism passed along the maternal line? you'd only need one side to be uhh... jewy... as you put it.
D: really? fascinating. see, you're a better jew than i am.
J: i wish. i'd totally take that trip. do you think I could pass their screening?
D: i feel like lopez would send up a few red flags. 
J: damnit. They don’t have things like this for mexicans.
D: well I’m pretty sure if you felt it was your birthright to return to mexico, the US government would fund that impulse.
J: yeah but they sure as hell wouldn’t pay for the return ticket.

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