
eyeoftheday is BANNED

from china.
ive heard from the front that my blogaroni isnt available in china! AWESOME!! im so flattered. really.

i took my first sick day yesterday because i had a ten year old dweeby style bloody nose. taking a sick day was surprisingly easy to do, i happen to be in a bit of a lull for once, work-wise.
got nothing accomplished at home. but did drink delicious hot chocolate with chile powder in it thanks to my roommate.
things i want to perfect and then personalize:
grilled cheese
mac n cheese
hot chocolate
but not right now. becuase i did manage to feel gross enough that i realized ive been treating my bod like shit and im going on a bit of a controlled juice fast.
well see how this makes me feel. i still have a headache but that might just be because i come back to the office only to receive this:
heals (10:52:03 AM): silly q
daisy (10:52:07 AM): yessss
heals (10:52:10 AM): but you know in a sports stadium?
heals (10:52:20 AM): i cant think of what the board is called
heals (10:52:28 AM): the one that displays the score
heals (10:52:34 AM): OH
heals (10:52:36 AM): score board?

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