
revisited one of my most cherished childhood movies.... about dragqueens

wesley snipes, patrick swayze, and the tremendous john leguizamo in "to wong foo, thanks for everything, julie newmar"

Amy: havent you seen high fidelity
me: no...i have not
me: oh get over it
Amy: wow
me: i mean ill watch it if someone puts it in my hands but i havent come across it and everyones seen it so i have no opportunity.
Amy: i see. i could quote from it. not too many movies like that for me
me: there are a few for me....birdcage
Amy: haha
me: to wong foo thanks for everything julie newmar...wait why are all the movies i love with dragqueens?
Amy: you like the faggy movies eh
me: i saw each one when they first came out, as a CHILD my parents brought me to these movies because they wanted to see them... hard to believe. and i loved them then as i do now.
Amy: birdcage is my earliest understanding of homosexuality, i saw that in theatres
me: hah mine too see there you go. well not my eeeearliest understanding
Amy: in the burbs those were the only gay people i had seen
i think my parents regretted that :)
me: my/my mothers trainer when i was five or six was gay. when he died of AIDS my mother explained everything then. in her own way.
Amy: oh wow
me: there was a period there where the riding world was decimated. so i learned a lot then. but i think i knew -before i knew what gay was- that the people in my life were gay. horse people and art people... i dont remember what my first lesbian understanding was though, they were two different things completely. i remember when i was taught the word lesbian, it was whispered in my ear in second grade.
brought that one home and had it slapped out of me by my irish nanny :)
Amy: hah she didnt get it all out i guess
me: yeah, left a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIP rkh