
great moments in the office today

just now torrey was walking by my cube and pointed to my huge email font and goes, "jesus dooze do you think you could have any bigger--" and vanessa, from her cube goes, "i know right! theyre huge! i cant stop staring at them!" and torreys like, "...font....?" and vanessas really quiet for a moment and then she goes " right. i was totally talking about font too"
loved it. laughed my ass off for like twenty minutes. it was just what i needed.

and then an IM convo with healy:

i'm using those terrible pads and i haaate it
i have the ugliest to-do list ever.
ugly in so many ways
at least i could have a functional notebook
i had to unzip my pants
after a salad.
you know how you scan a series of IMs?
i just scanned from "im using those terrible pads" to "i had to unzip my pants"
and got reallll worried about what beeker was seeing over there in your cube
hahahahahaha. yes i do know what you mean
the little popups
and ew who wears pads doozer!
i know. neanderthals!
my mom used to!!! hahahahahaha
not ashamed to say i had a friend who did and i ridiculed her until she switched
me too
same with thongs
she wouldnt wear thongs
probably because of the maxis
its amazing the important topics we cover around the office

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