
pshh and they say we do the devils PR...

Chase(3:52:49 PM): such a wide range of emotions this job brings
Chase (3:52:53 PM): sleep, suicide
Chase (3:52:58 PM): suffering
daisy (3:53:17 PM): serenity now, stupidity,
daisy (3:53:26 PM): survival, self-mutilation
daisy (3:54:20 PM): as we are writing this, ellen is currently tearing her hair out to my right and yelling into the phone. its like.. see exhibit A.
Chase (3:54:35 PM): hahhh
Chase (3:54:44 PM): every time you say Ellen I think of the one on TV
daisy(3:55:35 PM): sadly theyre about as far apart on the female spectrum as two ellens can be.

daisy(3:57:03 PM): who will this recap go to?
Chase (3:57:53 PM): we should double check with Thekla first, but my thoughts are Mary, Jos, Ian, Abby, Michelle, Peter, Shari, Senta, Sarah and God
daisy(3:58:32 PM): very good. do we have an email for Him? i'm sure, being B-M, that we do.
Chase(3:58:45 PM): God@bm.com
daisy(3:59:02 PM): oh he works here does he... take that, maddow.
Chase (3:59:07 PM): not to be confused with GoodGod@bm.com
daisy (3:59:17 PM): or sweetjesus@bm.com
Chase (4:00:04 PM): I would pay you in the e-mail line to address it to Mary, Jos, God
Chase (4:00:13 PM): Mary Joseph and God
Chase (4:00:24 PM): now that you're all together, I'd like to share our wonderful coverage
Chase (4:01:08 PM): in addition, if you think about it... Jesus only had three kings come to his birthday. Is one journalist for a non-news event really that bad?

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