
im just going to start throwing peices of my IM convos up on this blog

they're mostly asinine but they make me laugh and keep me sane and i want to share them.
and give you hope about the corporate world. its not all drones and robots. or maybe ive just spent long enough here that i find things funny that are dronish and robotic. ah well.

so this happened while on a conference call with mostly out-of-office colleagues:

AV(12:13:49 PM): something smells fishy
AV (12:13:51 PM): literally
daisy (12:13:53 PM): yes
daisy (12:13:55 PM): ugh
daisy (12:14:01 PM): our neighbors are once again having fishass for lunch
daisy (12:14:05 PM): its getting stronger. the fish is sticking its ass in my face.

so then someone gets PR aggressive on the call with another person on the call. the girl did something wrong and her supervisor says, "lets not do that again, ok?" in a voice that could melt your face off your skull.
Note: PR-aggressive is two rungs down from passive aggressive. its like around the bend and to the left with a bonnet on aggressive.

daisy (2:07:30 PM): ooo testeee
AV (2:07:38 PM): daisy.
AV (2:07:42 PM): lets not do that again.
daisy (2:07:47 PM): hahahah
AV(2:07:52 PM): EVER
AV (2:07:57 PM): or I will kill you
AV (2:08:04 PM): im going to murder you. if you do that or anything like that again.
AV (2:08:07 PM): fed up with your shit.
daisy(2:08:16 PM): im going to staple an org chart to your forehead
AV (2:08:17 PM): HAhahha
daisy (2:08:26 PM): oh god i just laughed so hard silently i think i gave myself a hernia

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