

when i have it, i read it.
i miss the NYT so bad its like a friend i used to talk to every day who ive been delinquent about keeping in touch with and now am just too ashamed to pick up the damn phone... yes i like the headlines but i LOVE the smaller stories. today i got up in enough time not only to make it to WORK ontime but also to get a bagel with cream cheese and coffee and DAMN am i ready for the day. breakfast is a beautiful thing:
and here are two stories that made me happy and made me remember how great our president is, even if hes been under the gun lately-and will continue to be so increasingly.
Story One - about the letters obama gets, reads, responds to... i know hes just a man puts on his pants the way we all do but i still think if i actually got within hand shaking distance of our president, i would weep.
Story Two - not a story but the pulitzer prize winning photos by NYT photographer Damon Winter. You think youve seen every great photo of obama. and then there are these.

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