
thats all i have to say about THAT

i'm feeling extremely pessimistic this morning for no good reason. at least im totally alone so im not taking it out on any unsuspecting cheery soul.
thats all.

i now have a good reason to be pessimistic: it just came out in an all staff meeting that there has to be a lay off on our team. today. meaning my actual client team. which could easily be someone in my office since 90 percent of the boston office works on this client but even if its not in my office, im going to know and have worked extensively with whoever is laid off and that means i can say with certainty that itll be a damn shame because everyone i work with is high over qualified, ass busting and supremely deserving of the jobs they have. not to mention beautiful smart and funny.
its almost creepy how across the board gorgeous the people i work with are.
and if its someone i actually WORK with, in my office, im just warning you, my fair reader, im going to be pissed. i love those women and i know what they do and what they deserve and if they get laid off somethings fucked up in the system.

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