
rachael yamagata deserves more than one song on my blog

it is a personal priority to hear her live. soon.
and if you like what you hear below, you have to check out her new album, especially "Duet", a song thats been making my stomach drop out every time i hear it...and in a close second, id recommend "Elephants" and "Sunday Afternoon"


L said...

so 15secs into the first song, i thought i hated it (a little too angsty) but i stuck through it, and its sort of great, and soothing and yes, i very much like it!

Anonymous said...

She's pretty great...

Have you heard of an artist named MEIKO? She's toured with Rachael this summer... http://www.myspace.com/meiko

D said...

Anonymous- are you the same person who sent me the meiko link last time i posted a rachael song or are all rachael fans also passionate about meiko? or is this meikos marketing team trying to get exposure? i find this fascinating. at any rate i checked her out last time i was sent a link and i did like a lot of what i heard. a little upbeat for me to really sink my teeth into but im a fan. so thank you!