
thats entertainment?

Im designing a set for a crazy play. Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry. So crazy and comic and simultaneously dark and disturbing, that i want to set it in a circus.
and thats stirring up all kinds of opinions ive always had about circuses.
setting aside obvious and heartbreaking animal cruelty issues, circuses and clowns have always been deeply depressing to me.
apparently i'm not alone in my fascination (mixed with a little phobia) for clowns and their lives. researching the portrayal of clowns in art is turning out to be a much bigger and more complex task than i first imagined
even though im focusing mostly on painters in the late 19th century, here are a few stirring images of circus performers by contemporary photographers that i found particuarly haunting.
Circus by Bruce Davidson
Jenya and Vitali on a spring bed in Russia, by Michal Chelbin
Twin Brothers Tulsi and Basant, Great Famous Circus, Calcutta, by Mary Ellen Mark

Rufus does Judy.
not my favorite (download zing went the strings of my heart)
but appropriate

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