
What's this now? Days have eyes?

According to gardenguides.com a day's eye is what the saxons, great race that they were, called the common daisy.
they also say that "the daisy signifies womanly truth, purity and fidelity, and patient endurance."
... that part I'm not sure i can state much of a claim to.
particularly the patience bit...
but without trying to relate who i am to the flower's personality-
i mean i won't object if you insist i do embody "womanly truth"-
i've always rather fancied the break down of the word.
the etymology...?

i think of it as a little reminder to live in the moment.
to keep looking around.
to appreciate the view, to be sensitive.

i do people watch like its my job. that i've got covered.

the other day i was half-heartedly flipping people-channels in food court when i noticed a couple talking across the room and it was clear something big was going on.
I couldn't hear what they were saying but the guy started slumping lower and lower in his chair and as he neared the floor the girl got more and more upright and rigid...
like they were being operated by the tilting of one puppeteers hand.
and i saw the way the girl was gripping her drink
and i thought yeaaah this is going to get good in a second.
but instead she just pushed off from the table and walked out.
the best part was watching him decide whether or not to follow her.
and, when he did, attempt to look casual.

but its not as fun at a party or a bar or a club, when i find myself floating out of body.
it makes it hard to kick back and have fun when you're mentally hovering somewhere overhead.

im sure its all part of why i write plays.
the point is.
this is my blog.
i tend to write, i tend to share my feelings, i tend to send out poems and songs i find that i think people will like...they tend to like them...
so someone asked me the other day, 'why don't YOU of all people have a blog?'
and i thought, nahhh.
but now here i am.
and while i'm not sure whats its going to do, specifically, i know it'll reflect what i'm seeing...
what i'm thinking, feeling, loving, loathing, and listening to...


Anonymous said...

you know "Strong" sounds a lot like "strong and womanly" daisy.... and you know what that means, you delta wannabe you

D said...

oh please. this daisy is hardly a pansy.

Bet365 said...

Please tell me that youre going to keep this up! Its so good and so important. I cant wait to read more from you. I just feel like you know so much and know how to make people listen to what you have to say. This blog is just too cool to be missed. Great stuff, really. Please, PLEASE keep it up!