
unpeppiest cartoon ever

My favorite calvin and hobbes strip contains a little gem of truth that i subscribe to, as im sure my best friends will grimly confirm:
"nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around"

particularly peppy friends like AS and LM know all too well that the best way to cure my grumpies is to attempt a positive outlook
i will back a dumptruck of pessimism right up to your warm cheery campfire and smother the optimism right out of your system.
and it will make me feel great.

why my friends haven't ties rocks to my ankles and thrown me in the Conneticut, im not sure.

anyway, im pleased to post that calvin's maxim exists in all its glorious negativity in a fantastic grown up cartoon called Basic Instructions.
these comic "strips" (squares?) are created and inspired directly by the life of Scott Meyer
and they rock my dry socks off.
theyre like mini manuals for surviving life
but dont expect anything warm and fuzzy.
He posts two strips a week here
here's a few to get you started (click to enlarge):

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