
"is that myyyyyyy voice?"

(if you've ever watched emperors new groove you'd know what thats all about...and if you've never watched emperors new groove you should get on top of that.)

Reading over what i wrote last night is reminding me why i gave up on diaries years ago and switched to keeping a list-of-goodness.
something i highly recommend to people put off by diaries.
its no pressure writing and easy to keep current.
january 20th 2004
talking to/sharing gelato di mandorle with little boy in piazza di siena at villa borghese gardens.
(in rome...his mother was nearby, once she established i was not going to steal her son she decided id make a good babysitter and went back to talking to her friends about their husbands. i spent two hours with this kid. its one of my favorite memories of my year in italy)
january 12th 2007
a kiss on the back on my neck without explanation while cooking in his kitchen.

anyway, its a very positive thing to look back on. even when old memories of happiness are hard to bear in the face of current realities.
as opposed to diaries (or this blog) that kind of make me want to slap me across the face.
in the case of a journal id rip out the pages and add it to the pile of slaughtered books in my drawer.
but a blogs a little different.
i cant erase a post (i dont think) and technically people are reading them...
i say technically because i haven't quite told anyone about this yet.
but i will.
i just want to understand what the hell this is first.
what is this..this..BLOG of which you speak
i want to find my voice., figure out how to write in this form.
not because i want to sound like a good writer or even a good person...

i just want to sound like ME.

i also want to make it clear that this is not all about me.
i intend it to be a place where you, oh vast audience of zero soon-to-be-more, can read and if you wish, respond to whatever i'm pondering, seeing, reading, listening to...
tell me you agree.
or you disagree.
you enjoyed it.
or you think i should take this waste of your time load of self conscious blather and stick it.

as i said, i'm all about communication.

speaking of which:
read this.


Anonymous said...

DAISY!!! How in the hey are you? I'm so glad you put me on this list. I feel honored :). Anyhows, how is your senior year at the good old College of Dartmouth?

Yes. I will have to write you an email to say hi. But let me know how everything is going!


Anonymous said...

I love the Emperor's New Groove and Yzma as Cat is perhaps my favorite character. And I love you and am glad to be reading about your thoughts when I am not there to hear them in person.

D said...

my heart is all tingly my dears im so glad that you're reading! and writing!